Abstract art
Abstract art or more commonly called abstract art is an artistic avant-garde born in the early twentieth century in Europe and then developed in the rest of the world. The term abstractionism indicates those works of art that do not represent reality understood as strictly belonging to our visual reality. Abstract works of art present compositions of color lines and shapes that spring from the soul of the artist and are transposed onto the material. In Shopart there are many authors who propose Abstract Paintings, among which we remember the works of Kandinsky, Klee, Gottlieb, Rothko and others.
Abstract art
Abstract art or more commonly called abstract art is an artistic avant-garde born in the early twentieth century in Europe and then developed in the rest of the world. The term abstractionism indicates those works of art that do not represent reality understood as strictly belonging to our visual reality. Abstract works of art present compositions of color lines and shapes that spring from the soul of the artist and are transposed onto the material. In Shopart there are many authors who propose Abstract Paintings, among which we remember the works of Kandinsky, Klee, Gottlieb, Rothko and others.